Monday, November 9, 2009

Meme's combined in this post/Hole in the Rock

Click on the top name to get the photos of the inside of the house in the rock
Because i wanted to put this set of photos all together i decided to put all the memes i am on together on this post so please check out all the meme;s on the side bar .

If ever in the Utah area and want to see a artsy place please be sure and check out Hole in the Rock,Several yrs ago we stopped here and they allowed you to tour the inside of the house in the rock,which they still do have tours but your not allowed to take photos anymore so click here to see some photos that is on there website to see a few of the photos they have posted. The lady there said they don't allow it anymore because of the tourist taking the pictures decided to sell some of the photos for profit so that is why they don't allow it anymore
Click on the photos to enlarge them the details are amazing


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