Saturday, October 24, 2009

Camera Critters/Road Congestion?

Day 2 Diamond Craters
As we left the round barn we stopped to see the Diamond Craters, Alice was much better today and riding like a trooper also had a few things to say about being able to ride on my lap instead of the dreaded cage.

Nevada standing on top of one of the Craters looking down, i had thongs on and so the walking on that lava was not all that appealing.Please go to the link above and read about this crater.
So in the distance we saw what looked like smoke but as we got closer it was a roundup, the lazy mans way of rounding up cattle. I think it would of been much funner to use a horse to round the cattle up.
So for 3 or 4 miles we had to drive behind these critters while they made there way to better pasture.
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