Tuesday, April 28, 2009


God Almighty Allah has blessed Pakistan with natural beauty in abundant. There are many picturesque locations which can be included in the world’s most beautiful places. Among them are some symbolic and the prettiest lakes in this country which include Ansoo Lake, Lake Saif ul Malook and Broghil Lake. These post photos were taken by Hassan Zakki.

Peripheral, peat-lined lake adjacent to Karumbar Lake in the upper Karumbar Valley, Northern Areas, Pakistan (elevation 4,150 meters [13,615 feet]). Background: Karakoram and Hindukush mountains.

Extensive peat bog south of Lashkargahaz, Chitral District, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan (elevation 3,649 meters). Background: Hindu Raj Range.

A peat-lined tributary of the Yarghoon River near Lashkargahaz, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan (elevation 3,649 meters)

The braided bed of the Yarghoon River, north of Lasht, Chitral District, Pakistan (elevation 3,200 meters). Background: Hindu Raj Range.

Broghil Lake on the divide between Chitral and Ghizer Districts in Northern Pakistan. Background: Hindu Raj Cordillera.

Peat bog on Deosai National Park, Northern Areas, Pakistan (elevation 4,188 meters). Background: Himalayas.


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